Package Price : IDR ( Call : 081909104769 & 082341949738 )
Maximum : 10 Peoples.
Meeting point : Sumbawa Besar
Visit : Ai Manis, Raja Suwa, Poto Jarum, Brang Sedo, Batu Kapal/Tg.Boko, Takat Segele, Labu Aji, Diwu Mbai, Mata Jitu, Sangelo, Satonda Island, Tg.Pasir and Teluk Saleh
Activities : Snorkeling, Waterfall and Bat cave, Trekking, Camping, Fishing, BBQ, Etc.
Down Payment : 50 % from the package price and full payment paid 1 day before departure.
Further information, Please call us.